Non-profit status
Non-profit corporation
The company “Bio24 gUG (limited liability)” is the sponsor of the “Bio24 Social” company. It pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the “Tax-privileged purposes” section of the tax code.
The purposes of the society according to our statutes are the promotion of youth and elderly welfare, the promotion of education, education and vocational training, the promotion of help for politically, racially or religiously persecuted people, for refugees, displaced persons, emigrants, late emigrants, war victims, war survivors, War victims and prisoners of war, civilian victims and the disabled as well as the promotion of nature conservation and landscape management within the meaning of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
In addition, the company pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.
You can view the statutes here and the exemption notice from the Greifswald tax office here.
Bio24 Social would like to realize the company's purpose with the corporate purpose of sustainable, ecological and resource-saving production and preservation of food. People in difficult life situations should be fed and made a little happier with products that were cooked “with love like grandma and grandpa.”
Preferably old-age pensioners who want to contribute to society by working on a voluntary basis or with their partial resources should carry out traditional, artisanal forms of processing and preserving food. When using traditional methods such as preserving, preserving, drying, pickling, pickling, baking, etc., the experiences and interests of old people are to be activated and incorporated and the knowledge is to be preserved and passed on.
The transfer of knowledge to the younger generation plays a major role here and the seniors are given the opportunity to come together to do a profitable, crafty, meaningful activity together.
Digital participation
The company promotes the “digital participation” of seniors in society as a whole but also in the digital world of work. This can be done specifically through IT training, seminars and other instructions on hardware and software. There is also practice and dealing with an online shop, social media and video platforms. If you like, you can become a star on social media - you can learn the technology and handling from us. Our seniors bring with them the tools such as cooking and baking.